The pigeons- the birds in the city 都会の鳥-鳩 都市鳥類-鴿子


Have you seen pigeons in Japan. The pigeons in Japan always love to walk around in the park. Actually most of they love to live in the balcony of human apartment.
【Their environment
After they move into your balcony, you will found there is much excrement on the floor and the feather stick on your clothes that you just washed. The worst is that excrement may bring some virus and bacteria that will infect people.
【Their daily life】
Their rhythm of daily life are very interesting. They just like a office worker as human. They usually wake up very early (about 4-5 o’clock) in the morning and make big noise to wake you up the just go outside for food or for work(?). Lol. They will come back to the balcony around sunset and get ready to rest.
They eat food which is feed by human hand or they find food from the unclosed garbage can or garbage bag.
Hey! Don’t be fooled by their friendly eye contact and kind temper! Once they decided your balcony as their home, they won’t leave easily. After they have babies there, things get worse because they usually won’t live by one single bird but group. Even over 100 of them to live together is possible.
So, what can we do to make they far away from your balcony?
There are two very simple way to prevent that situation happened.
① Go outside to your balcony at least once a day. Let them know that you live there and make them know that is dangerous to make a nest there.
② Clean up your balcony often. Clean the feathers, excrement anytime when you found that, it will help to eliminate their odor.
Only you keep doing these below, they won’t move into your balcony anymore. Just once a day, keep the pigeons away, haha.


是否有在日本看過鴿子呢?牠們最常出沒在公園裡, 到處散步搖晃。但其實, 牠們最愛的是住進人類的公寓陽台。
只要有鴿子住進陽台裡, 你馬上會發現衣服上沾著羽毛,陽台地板都是牠們的排泄物。嚴重的時候還會看到牠們的鳥巢, 鳥巢裡還有幼鳥或者剛生出來的蛋。最糟糕的是, 牠們的排泄物裡通常夾帶著很多對人體不好的病毒或者細菌,真的是很危險。
他們就像是人類的上班族! 日出就醒來了(大概早晨4.5點), 還會發出噪音順便把你也叫醒, 之後便外出覓食和工作(?)。日落時回到陽台,準備休息睡覺。
他們通常吃人類給的麵包、點心或是食物, 有時候也會從沒加蓋或沒綁好的垃圾袋裡找食物吃。
牠們外表或許看起來很和善又無害, 但其實他們對於自己的領地意識非常強烈。一旦認定你的陽台是「家」後, 便很難將他們趕走。另外, 牠們都是集團群聚生活, 因此不會只有一隻鴿子住進陽台, 多的時候可能超過10隻以上到100隻都有可能住在一起。
①每天至少一次, 打開窗戶到自己陽台去。只要有人出入, 鴿子就會認為那個地方不安全, 不適合築巢。
②常常清掃陽台。特別是發現羽毛, 鳥糞等髒汙時, 最好馬上請掃並用水洗一下。這樣才能消除牠們的味道。
只要經常做好以上這兩點, 牠們便不會輕易接近你的陽台了。好的生活環境, 也都是要靠自己多努力維持的。加油吧!
